Komorebi 2021
Komorebi: The sun shines through the trees is Cambrian playback equipment.
Why do we feel comfortable with Komorebi, sunlight through the leaves of trees? Organisms acquired eyes during the Cambrian period; many lived in the oceans then. The underwater landscape the creature saw for the first time and the view of Komorebi may be similar.
So perhaps we are unconsciously recalling the Cambrian seafloor landscape when we see Komorebi. I created this work with this fantasy.
– Andrew Parker (2003) “In the Blink of an Eye”
– CfSHE gallery, 3331 Arts Chiyoda 2021, Tokyo Japan
– Tokyo University of the Arts COI and Mitsui Fudosan 2021, Virtual Market 6
– アンドリュー・パーカー (2006)『目の誕生:カンブリア紀大進化の謎を解く』草思社
– CfSHEギャラリー, 3331アーツ千代田 2021, 東京
– 東京藝術大学COI拠点x三井不動産「バーチャルとリアルをつなぐアートフェス」2021, Virtual Market 6
Komorebi: memories of the Cambrian period 2021
printmaking, water-based woodblock printing, edition: 1/1, paper size: 535x420mm, image size: 430x350mm